Should You Install a CCTV System?

Whether you would like to protect your workers from intruders or make sure your stock is safe, taking security measures to keep your company safe is very critical. One of the most effective security measures you can rely on to protect your business from intruders, vandals or thieves is a CCTV system. This article will outline a list of reasons why every business requires video surveillance. Minimises insurance costs A property that has a CCTV system is deemed to be more secure than a property without it. [Read More]

3 Home Security Systems that You Should Install for Your Elderly Loved Ones

Leaving your elderly parents or relatives in a house all by themselves can be a great source of anxiety. What if someone breaks into their home? Will they be able to defend themselves? Worse still, what if there is a domestic emergency that requires an immediate response? All these issues revolving around their security are genuine concerns that should be addressed to promote their safety and give you peace of mind. [Read More]